Here is the list of the top 5 .NET MAUI popular controls.

Excel Library



Cartesian Charts



The .NET MAUI DataGrid is a powerful control for displaying and managing data in a tabular format. It offers a wide range of features, including different column types, sorting, autofitting columns and rows, and styling for all elements.

Cartesian Charts

The Cartesian Charts control for .NET MAUI is a powerful and versatile data visualization tool. It has a wide array of charts and graphs. It also supports data binding, animations, data labels, selections, tooltips, and zooming.


The .NET MAUI ListView displays data vertically or horizontally with various layouts. It offers selection, template selectors, orientation, load more, autofit, and more.


The .NET MAUI Scheduler control provides customizable views for appointments (regular, all-day, spanning, recursive), and basic appointment management. It supports custom workdays and hours and calendar operations for date selection and navigation.

Excel Library

Explore the feature-rich .NET MAUI Excel toolkit for seamless Excel document management. It offers Excel file creation, editing, and simple conversions to HTML and images. Compatible with .NET MAUI on Windows, iOS, and Android.

Syncfusion .NET MAUI Controls

The .NET MAUI suite offers an extensive range of .NET MAUI components for developing mobile and desktop applications. This initial set includes .NET MAUI UI controls like Circular Charts, Linear Gauge, and Tab View.

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