Five standout features of Blazor AutoComplete


Highlight matched text 

Autofit search 


Suggestion list 


Blazor AutoComplete’s dropdown comes with a wide range of built-in filtering options.

Highlight matched text 

The Blazor AutoComplete control allows you to customize the visual appearance of matching text for each suggestion.

Autofill search 

The Blazor AutoComplete component features an autofill search option that automatically completes text as the user types it based on suggestion text, allowing the end user to search for items easily.


Group the suggestions based on logically organized categories, each with its own header.

Suggestion list 

The control creates a suggestion list that dynamically updates as users type in the input text box.

Syncfusion Blazor AutoComplete 

The Blazor AutoComplete, also known as a typeahead, is a text box component that offers a list of suggestions for users to choose from as they type.

No credit card required.