Explore the advanced features in Blazor TreeView control.

Node and Checkbox Support



Load On Demand

Data Binding

Bind a range to remote data services (OData, OData V4, Web API, URL, and JSON) to render hierarchical data in a tree-like structure.

Data Binding

The component's performance is improved by the load-on-demand feature, which dynamically loads large volumes of data. The component's child nodes can be dynamically inserted or loaded from a web service.

Load On Demand

Highlight the selected nodes. Simple mouse-down or keyboard interactions can be used to select items. If drag-and-drop is enabled, you can drag all of the selected nodes at once.


Nodes can be dragged and dropped at any level of a TreeView, including inside, outside, and into an external container. Drag multiple tree nodes to any level at once.


A node template allows you to define a custom structure for tree nodes. Checkboxes’ tri-state option (just for parent nodes) moves a parent node into an undetermined state when the child nodes are only partially checked.

Node and Checkbox Support

Syncfusion Blazor TreeView

The Blazor TreeView is a UI component that displays hierarchical data, such as a table of contents, code examples, and file directories, in a tree structure.

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