Explore the Syncfusion's 5 unique Blazor Components.

File Manager


Pivot Table

Word Processor



Use nodes to visualize any graphical object. A built-in layout mechanism organizes parent and child node positions automatically. All of the typical flowchart shapes are available as  ready-made objects.

Word Processor

Edit like Microsoft Word. Text editing, content formatting, image and table resizing, finding and replacing text, bookmarks, printing, Word document importing and exporting features are supported seamlessly.

Pivot Table

Organize and summarize a large volume of pivot data and display results in a cross table without losing performance with virtualization. Pivot Table supports data binding, filtering, sorting, etc.


A task scheduling component with a transparent workflow. Using swim lanes, cards, WIP validations, and other tools, you can effectively manage product development and task planning.

File Manager

Allow users to manage the file system and perform operations like accessing, editing, and sorting files or folders. Provides simple navigation and selection of files or folders from the file system.

Build modern Blazor Apps

Syncfusion Blazor components offer 80+ UI and data visualization web controls like DataGrid, Charts, and Scheduler that are responsive and lightweight for building modern web apps.