Top 5 JavaScript ListView features for easy data display 

Data binding

Load on demand


UI customization


Data binding 

ListView loads data from arrays, JSON, or remote data sources, with support for complex data and various services, such as OData and Web API, and formats such as XML, JSON, JSONP, CSV, and HTML tables. 

Load on demand

JavaScript ListView enables UI virtualization for enhanced performance with large datasets. It displays a fixed number of items regardless of data volume and displays only the relevant data. 


JavaScript ListView allows single selection by default. It also enables multiple selection through checkbox support. Users can manipulate selection events and preserve selected values for continuity. 

UI customization 

Customize ListView's header, list items, and group header with template options. Users can arrange content with options like image view, multiline text view, and mixed mode. 


ListView categorizes nested elements into groups based on categories. Map item categories with the groupBy field in the data table for single-level navigation. 

Syncfusion JavaScript ListView 

The JavaScript ListView control is a list-like interface that allows you to select an item or multiple items. It represents data in an interactive, hierarchical structure across different layouts and views. 

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