5 Best Features of WinForms Calendar for Easy Appointment Management

Multiple views

Date-range support

Globalization and localization

Special dates

Blackout dates

Multiple views

Calendar offers extensive support for date selection through its multiple viewing options. With built-in functionalities, it enables users to switch among month, year, decade, and century views.

Date range support

WinForms Calendar supports setting maximum and minimum dates to make sure users select dates within a specific range.

Globalization and localization

Localize the first day of the week and the day names according to cultural preferences. All static text within the Calendar can be localized to any supported language.

Special dates customization

The WinForms Calendar enables the highlighting of special dates using icons and descriptions. It also supports customization of the position of the icons and text within special dates.

Date restriction

WinForms Calendar lets users block particular dates from selection and user interaction. Distinct styles can be applied to blackout dates.

Syncfusion WinForms Calendar

The WinForms Calendar control allows users to select dates easily with multiple views and navigation. It supports customization and keyboard, mouse, and touch interaction.

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