The Top 5 Blazor Data Form Features


Form validation and error handling

Form group layout

Customizable form fields

Form template


The Blazor Data Form component provides built-in editors for primitive data types like string, integer, date-time, date-only, time-only, and enumeration, as well as custom editors. 

Form validation and error handling 

Blazor Data Form can be validated using built-in methods or individual fields. Users can provide validation rules directly on the model using attributes such as Required, Range, or MaxLength. Error messages can be displayed with summary, inline, or tooltip options. 

Form group layout 

The provides options to group the form fields, allowing the organization of related fields together. 

Customizable form fields 

The Data Form fields can be customized by changing their appearance, binding model values, adding placeholders, and more. 

Form template 

The Data Form component enables easy customization of labels, the form editor, and validation messages for various use cases. 

Syncfusion Blazor Data Form 

The Syncfusion Blazor Data Form component simplifies form creation in Blazor applications by providing a rich set of features for automatic field generation, layout customization, and seamless data binding. Whether working with simple forms or complex data models, the Data Form streamlines the development process while offering vast customization options. 

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