Explore the Blazor component lifecycle’s five phases.







Parameter Setting Phase  

Rendering Phase

Update and Redraw Phase

Disposal Phase

Initialization Phase

Methods: OnInitialized, OnInitializedAsync Purpose: Create the component by setting the initial state and performing one-time tasks.

Parameter Setting Phase

Methods:  OnParametersSet, OnParametersSetAsync Purpose: Call these parameters when changes are detected.

Rendering Phase

Method:  BuildRenderTree Purpose: Define the HTML structure based on the component's state and parameters.

Update and Redraw Phase

Methods:  OnAfterRender, OnAfterRenderAsync Purpose: Interact with the rendered content and  perform UI-dependent actions.

Disposal Phase

Methods:  Dispose, OnDispose Purpose: Release resources, unsubscribe from events, and clean up to avoid memory leaks.

Syncfusion Blazor Components Library

Syncfusion Blazor library includes over 85 responsive, lightweight components such as DataGrid, 50+ Charts, and Scheduler for modern web app development.

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