Explore the 5 distinct features of React Charts control.
Technical indicators
Combinational charts
Lasso selection
Histogram chart
Strip line feature
Supports both horizontal and vertical strip lines, along with the customization of both. You can add more than one strip line to an axis, and they will be rendered in the chosen start-to-end ranges.
A kind of bar (column) chart that visually represents massive volumes of data that'd be difficult to understand in table format. It’s mainly used for frequency distribution.
Lasso selection mode lets you choose a region by drawing freehand shapes to extract a collection of data. This option also allows you to pick several regions on the chart.
Compare distinct data sets by combining two or more chart types into a single chart. Zooming, panning, tooltips, trackball, and selection are also supported.
Ten types of indicators are supported by our React Charts component. They perform complex computations based on historical price, volume, or open interest data in predicting the financial market.