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How to apply colors based on the ColorValuePath to a LeafTemplate in SfTreeMap?
1 min read
You can provide colors based on the ColorValuePath to a LeafTemplate by using MappedColor property and you can add any colormapping for leafnode using “LeafColorMapping” property.
<syncfusion:RangeBrush Color="#77D8D8" From="0" To="2" />
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Use MappedColor API as binding path in Leaftemplate to bind the set of provided colors using LeafColorMapping based on ColorValuePath.
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<Border Background="{Binding MappedColor}" >
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Sample Location:
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<syncfusion:RangeBrush Color="#77D8D8" From="0" To="2" />
<syncfusion:RangeBrush Color="#AED960" From="3" To="8" />
<syncfusion:RangeBrush Color="#FFAF51" From="9" To="11" />
<syncfusion:RangeBrush Color="#F3D240" From="12" To="16" />
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<Border BorderBrush="Transparent" BorderThickness="2" Background="{Binding MappedColor}" >
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The following screenshot illustrates the output.
Figure 1: LeafTemplate colors using mappedcolor
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