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Bubble chart x values ​​do not show up


I want to use coordinates in the bubble chart graph. When I give the minimum and maximum values ​​in the range,

the numbers do not go up.

1. I will send my code block in my project and bubble chart.                                                                                           

2. I can not see the values ​​on the x axis like the picture (.https://hizliresim.com/POkMOQ)

Thanks in advance.


Attachment: rr_3b2fb655.rar

1 Reply

AT Anandaraj T Syncfusion Team October 10, 2017 01:32 PM UTC

Hi Ayben, 

Thanks for using Syncfusion products. 

We have tried to replicate the reported issue in a simple sample but the issue is not reproduced. Bubbles at the extreme of axis range are appearing correctly. The sample used for testing can be found in the following link 

[Bubbles visible at the extreme range] 
Since the issue is not replicated in our end, we would like to know the following details so that we can analyze the issue further and provide a solution. 

  1. Could you please let us know whether you are expecting the axis range to automatically adjust such that bubbles at the extreme will appear completely inside chart area ?
  2. Could you please let us know whether you would like to display axis labels outside chart area ?
  3. Could you please let us know whether axis range is set to x-axis or y-axis ?
  4. Could you please replicate the issue in above sample or provide a sample to replicate the issue ?

The information provided would be of great help in providing a solution. 

Please let us know if we misunderstood your query. 


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