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Check/ Unchek in Listbox


how can i check or uncheck a checkbox in a Listbox programmaticly with javascript?
I have a Ajax Post Method. If a user select a Listbox checkbox, it is getting automaticly checked/unchecked. But if there is an Error in the Post-Method i want to undo the check/uncheck.


1 Reply

SS Selvamani Sankarappan Syncfusion Team November 29, 2016 12:00 PM UTC

Hi Arthur,   
Thanks for using Syncfusion products.   
We can check and uncheck the list items of the ListBox component in AJAX success using our existing methods uncheckItemsByIndices and checkItemsByIndices. Please refer to the following code example:   
function click(e) {   
            url: "ListBox/listbox",   
            type: 'POST',   
            dataType: "json",   
            success: function (result) {   
                var obj = $('#listboxsample').data("ejListBox");   
                var checkedindices = obj.model.checkItemsByIndex; //get the checked          items   
                obj.uncheckItemsByIndices(checkedindices); //unchecked items   
               // obj.checkItemsByIndices("2,3"); // check the items   
Refer to the following sample:   
In above sample, we have unchecked the list items that are checked in AJAX success.   
To know more about the list of properties, methods, and events available in ListBox component, please refer to the following link: https://help.syncfusion.com/api/js/ejlistbox#methods:checkitemsbyindices   
Selvamani S.  

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