When I want to clear the collection and remove grid I use this code:<div data-bind="if: flightsCollection().length > 0"><div data-bind="ejGrid: {dataSource: flightsCollection,allowPaging: false,columns: [{ headerText: 'Date' }, { headerText: 'Itinerary' }, { headerText: 'Price' }],rowTemplate: '#templateOneWay'}"></div></div>
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'groupSettings' of null
<input id="btn" /> <div id="Grid" data-bind="ejGrid: { dataSource: flightsCollection, allowPaging: false, columns: [{ headerText: 'Date' }, { headerText: 'Name Details' }, { headerText: 'Price Details' }], rowTemplate: '#templateOneWay', actionBegin: gridHideShow, }"> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> $(function () { window.kodata = [{ "OrderDate": new Date(8364186e5), "Name": "Nancy", "Price": 1000.00 }, { "OrderDate": new Date(8264186e5), "Name": "Andrew", "Price": 1100.00 }, { "OrderDate": new Date(8164186e5), "Name": "Janet", "Price": 1200.00 }, { "OrderDate": new Date(8364186e5), "Name": "Margaret", "Price": 1300.00 }, { "OrderDate": new Date(8564186e5), "Name": "Steven", "Price": 1400.00 }, { "OrderDate": new Date(8664186e5), "Name": "Michael", "Price": 1500.00 }, { "OrderDate": new Date(7364186e5), "Name": "Robert", "Price": 1600.00 }, { "OrderDate": new Date(8364186e5), "Name": "Laura", "Price": 1700.00 }, { "OrderDate": new Date(8364186e5), "Name": "Anne", "Price": 1800.00 }]
window.employeeView = { flightsCollection: ko.observableArray(window.kodata), gridHideShow: function (args) { if (this.model.dataSource().length == 0 && (args.requestType == "refresh" || this.initialRender)) $("#Grid").hide(); else $("#Grid").show(); } }; ko.applyBindings(employeeView); }); $('#btn').ejButton({ text: "Clear", click: function (args) { window.employeeView.flightsCollection([]); } |