Platform: UWP (1903 Build 18362)
Syncfusion: v17.2.0.46
Xamarin.Forms: v4.2.0.709249
IDE: Visual Studio 2017 Professional (v15.9.15)
OS: Windows 10 Pro (19H1)
Ausnahme ausgelöst: "System.ArgumentException" in Syncfusion.SfProgressBar.XForms.UWP.dll
WinRT-Informationen: The value cannot be converted to type Geometry
Using the sample from Getting Started (, updating to the above mentioned versions and changing the culture in the UWP package manifest from "en-US" to for instance "de-DE" will cause the crash on start. The same happens when using "es-ES", "fr-FR", "ru-RU" and "pl-PL".
The crash is not observed under Android nor iOS.