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The accumulation feedback doesn't respect property ExplodeAll and explodes only the selected element.

This is how it looks


but it should explode all items

here is the snippet.

<SfAccumulationChart EnableBorderOnMouseMove="false" Background="transparent">
<AccumulationChartTooltipSettings Format="<b>${point.x}</b><br>Browser Share: <b>${point.y}%</b>" Enable="true"></AccumulationChartTooltipSettings>
<AccumulationChartLegendSettings Visible="false"></AccumulationChartLegendSettings>
<AccumulationChartSeries DataSource="@DoughnutChartPoints" XName="@nameof(DoughnutData.Browser)" YName="@nameof(DoughnutData.Users)" Radius="@Radius" InnerRadius="70%" Name="Project" Palettes="palettes"
Type="AccumulationType.Pie" Explode="true" ExplodeAll="true" ExplodeOffset="10%">

private string Radius { get; set; } = "70%";

public List<DoughnutData> DoughnutChartPoints { get; set; } = new List<DoughnutData>
new DoughnutData { Browser = "Chrome", Users = 59.28, DataLabelMappingName = "Chrome: 59.28%" },
new DoughnutData { Browser = "UC Browser", Users = 4.37, DataLabelMappingName = "UC Browser: 4.37%" },
new DoughnutData { Browser = "Internet Explorer", Users = 6.12, DataLabelMappingName = "Internet Explorer: 6.12%" },
new DoughnutData { Browser = "Sogou Explorer", Users = 1.73, DataLabelMappingName = "Sogou Explorer: 1.73%" },
new DoughnutData { Browser = "QQ", Users = 3.96, DataLabelMappingName = "QQ: 3.96%" },
new DoughnutData { Browser = "Safari", Users = 5.73, DataLabelMappingName = "Safari: 5.73%" },

public class DoughnutData
public string Browser { get; set; }
public double Users { get; set; }
public string DataLabelMappingName { get; set; }

string[] palettes = new[] { "#5ebf81", "#e5eceb", "#ccdad7", "#c1d2cf", "#b3c7c3", "#b3c7c3" };
