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Scenario 1:
Need to provide support to copy/paste the values from MS Excel to spreadsheet. And need to consider in both context menu and tool bar options as like as MS Excel.
Scenario 2:
Need to provide support to copy/paste the values from one instance of spreadsheet to another instance. And need to consider in both context menu and tool bar options as like as MS Excel.
Scenario 3:
Need to trigger the actionBegin and actionComplete action with proper copied
objects for clipboard actions collaborative editing support.
Sample Link: https://stackblitz.com/edit/typescript-qerhn7?file=index.ts
Video Link: https://support.syncfusion.com/attachment/download/309290
Scenario 4:
Need to provide support to use the paste method, when we copy the content from the external clipboard (MS Excel). And consider this along with ctrl + c and ctrl + v actions also.
Sample Link: https://stackblitz.com/edit/react-r63hnp?file=index.js
Screenshot after copy paste for different excels.