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NOTE: My version of Syncfusion.EJ2 is 18.15000.0.52, but I didn't have the option in the drop-down above

Follow these steps to create the error:

  1. Edit an event with the following conditions
    1. start & end dates are set to a previous date
    2. repeat set to daily
  2. set repeat to never
  3. set start to current date (this will automatically set end to current date as well)
  4. click Save
Will receive this error in the browser console (firefox):

Following the link to ej2.min.js:10:435341 I found that it refers to this javascript function which I have broken apart to have new lines and indentation:


I believe the problem is that the function doesn't handle properly the condition if e is null. Since we're changing the recurrence params from a string (with values delimited by semicolons, etc.), following the above steps means that e would be null.