Create .NET MAUI Fastline Chart To Visualize U.S Gulf Coast Jet Fuel Prices With Plotband And Date Time Range Selector Support.
This sample demonstrates to visualize weekly U.S. Gulf Coast kerosene-type jet fuel spot prices from 1990 to 2024 using Syncfusion .NET MAUI FastLine Chart. It also highlights price ranges with plotband support and introduces a date-time range selector with chart for interactive data exploration.
FastLine Chart
- A FastLine Chart is a type of line chart optimized for handling large datasets efficiently. It is ideal for time-series data and allows users to easily track trends and changes over time. This is perfect for visualizing financial or technical data like the kerosene-type jet fuel spot price.
In this sample, we custoize the chart with plotband and add the date time range selector with chart for interactive range selection and zooming.
- PlotBands are horizontal or vertical-colored bands used to highlight specific regions on a chart. They’re commonly used in financial or scientific applications to mark ranges of interest, such as normal ranges, risk zones, or thresholds.
DateTime range selector
- To make the chart more interactive, we’ll add a date time range selector. This allows users to zoom in or select specific date ranges on the chart using a mini chart (also called an overview chart).
for more details on the step - by - step procedure, refer to the blog of visualize U.S Gulf Coast jet fuel prices with plotband and date time range selector Support.