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Syncfusion Sponsoring TRINUG’s Global Azure Bootcamp

Once again, Syncfusion will be sponsoring TRINUG’s Global Azure Bootcamp on April 27.

This is an all-day event that will cover cool topics such as how to build chatbots and how to use technologies such as cognitive services/LUIS (Language Understanding Intelligent Service), Azure Search, Azure Bot Service, Microsoft Bot Framework, QnA Maker, and Bing Search API.

The organizer, Jamie Dixon, is very excited. Around the world, TRINUG has 208 confirmed event locations and 99 pending. That’s 307 events in total this year!
Why are we sponsoring this event?  We believe in the power of Microsoft Azure and are huge fans. Syncfusion chose the Azure platform on which to build its business intelligence solutions such as the Dashboard Platform. Azure made it easy to build scalable dashboards, and we found it particularly user-friendly when deploying with Windows and the .NET stack. We noticed superior developer productivity when compared to other, similar platforms. In addition, Microsoft is extremely responsive when it comes to offering assistance.

We hope that developers can take advantage of these free learning opportunities in their region and across the globe. Azure is a valuable tool that many developers can benefit from, and we’re excited to help them develop their skills with it.

To learn more about Microsoft Azure, please go to

To find out more about Global Azure events:

Meet the Author

Marissa Keller Outten

Marissa Keller Outten is the VP of Business Development at Syncfusion. For over 20 years, she has built win-win relationships with marketing, integration and alliance partners to expand the Syncfusion community.