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Sneak Peek at 2020 Volume 3: Major Highlights

We are excited to announce that our 2020 Volume 3 release will be rolled out by the first week of October 2020. In this blog, we are going to discuss the major highlights of this release:

  • WinUI 3 preview integration in Syncfusion Essential Studio®.
  • WPF offline demos structure changes.
  • AndroidX support in Syncfusion Xamarin packages.

WinUI 3 preview integration in Syncfusion Essential Studio®

We are happy to announce that our first-ever Syncfusion Essential Studio® for WinUI preview 3 will be included in our upcoming 2020 Volume 3 release. You can get a sneak peek of our WinUI 3 preview controls and details about the WinUI platform in this blog.

Since this is integrated in Essential Studio®, two separate installers, offline and online installers, will be provided for the WinUI platform.

Offline installer

Like other Essential Studio® products, a separate offline installer will be provided for Essential Studio® for WinUI.

You can install this WinUI setup to get access to our WinUI controls (assemblies and NuGet packages) and use them in your WinUI applications.

Offline Essential Studio® for WinUI installer

Expected install location: C:\Program Files (x86)\Syncfusion\Essential Studio®\WinUI\18.3.0.*

Expected demos location: C:\Users\Public\Documents\Syncfusion\WinUI\18.3.0.*

Online installer

A separate online installer (web installer) setup will also be provided for WinUI. You can use this setup if you wish to download the installation files online and install them in your machine.

Online Essential Studio® for WinUI installer

WinUI in Essential Studio® Enterprise installer

We are also pleased to announce that WinUI will be included as one of the products in our complete Essential Studio® Enterprise suite as of the upcoming 2020 Volume 3 release.

You can find more details about our Essential Studio® Enterprise offline installer in the following user guide document.

Licensing for WinUI

As we are going to provide the WinUI installer, assemblies, and NuGet packages as beta, there is no need to register license keys to use our WinUI controls.

But still, to unlock the setups both online and offline, you’ll need to provide either your Syncfusion login credentials or Syncfusion Essential Studio® WinUI unlock key.

WinUI NuGet packages in

From the 2020 Volume 3 release, Syncfusion WinUI control NuGet packages will be published in So, from your Visual Studio project, you can directly install our WinUI packages and use them in your application.

WPF offline demos structure changes

Existing structure

Up until our 2020 Volume 2 release, we provided a single application to launch the WPF demos from the Syncfusion control panel.

On launching this local demo, you could explore our WPF suite’s .NET Framework and .NET Core samples.

New changes

Now, the sample browser application is split based on framework, and separate sample browser projects are provided for .NET Core and .NET Framework. So, the procedure to launch the sample browser itself has changed based on the framework (.NET Framework, .NET Core) in the Syncfusion WPF control panel.

Based on the frameworks available in your machine, you can launch and run the entire sample browser using .NET Framework or .NET Core.

You can find more details about our Syncfusion control panel in our documentation.

AndroidX support in Syncfusion Xamarin NuGet packages

From our upcoming 2020 Volume 3 release, our Syncfusion Xamarin.Forms packages will support both MonoAndroid 9.0 and 10.0 (AndroidX) frameworks.

Based on your application’s target framework, you can use any of these assemblies.

You can find more details about AndroidX in the Xamarin documentation.


Apart from these major features and upgrades, there are several other new features, controls, and stability fixes across our Essential Studio® products. We are very excited about providing these upgrades. As said in the introduction, you can expect this release by the first week of October 2020.

So, please stay tuned to our official TwitterFacebook, and LinkedIn pages for the announcement of the release.

Meet the Author

Balaji Renganathan

Balaji Renganathan is a Technical Product Manager who specializes in installation and configuration. In addition to technical implementation, he coordinates product releases, ensuring smooth workflows and efficient delivery.