TL;DR: Let’s see how to save chat conversations using Firebase Realtime Database in a .NET MAUI app. We’ll set up Firebase, configure the database, and integrate it with the .NET MAUI Chat control. Messages will be stored and retrieved in real time using Firebase queries. This guide helps you build a seamless and interactive chat experience.
Syncfusion .NET MAUI Chat control, or conversational UI, provides a modern chat experience. It is a flexible control that displays conversations between two or more users in a fully customizable layout. You can show messages with all types of content, such as text, images, hyperlinks, cards, and more, and even integrate the component with chatbot frameworks.
In this blog, we’ll see how to save chat conversions to the Firebase Realtime Database using the .NET MAUI Chat control.
Creating a Firebase Realtime Database involves a few simple steps, including setting up your Firebase project, enabling the database, and configuring it for your app. Here’s a detailed guide:
Let’s set up a Firebase Realtime Database by following these steps:
public class ChatMessage { public Author Author { get; set; } public string? Content { get; set; } public DateTime Timestamp { get; set; } public string Url { get; set; } public ImageSource Thumbnail { get; set; } }
using Firebase.Database; using Firebase.Database.Query; namespace ChatMaui { internal class RealtimeDatabaseService { internal FirebaseClient DatabaseClient { get; set; } public RealtimeDatabaseService() { var firebaseDatabaseUrl = ""; // Initialize FirebaseClient. DatabaseClient = new FirebaseClient(firebaseDatabaseUrl); } } }
internal async Task SendMessageAsync(ChatMessage content) { await DatabaseClient .Child("ChatSource") .PostAsync(content); }
First, refer to the .NET MAUI Chat control’s getting started documentation.
Create the CurrentUser property of type Author in the ViewModel class. Then, create the TextMessage instance. Set values for the Message.Author and Message.Text properties and add it to the ViewModel.Messages collection.
Refer to the available message types in .NET MAUI Chat.
public class ViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged { . . . . . . public Author CurrentUser { get { return this.currentUser; } set { this.currentUser = value; RaisePropertyChanged("CurrentUser"); } } public ObservableCollection<object> Messages { get { return this.messages; } set { this.messages = value; RaisePropertyChanged(nameof(this.messages)); } } }
Now, bind the CurrentUser and Messages properties from the ViewModel to the SfChat control.
<ContentPage.BindingContext> <local:ViewModel /> </ContentPage.BindingContext> <ContentPage.Content> <sfchat:SfChat x:Name="sfChat" Messages="{Binding Messages}" CurrentUser="{Binding CurrentUser}" /> </ContentPage.Content>
Let’s create the LoadMessages method in the ViewModel class and implement the Subscribe query to retrieve the data and notify the changes in your database.
In this method, we’ll retrieve the existing data from the database, create a TextMessage, and add it to the Messages collection. This Subscribe event will be invoked when a new message is added on-demand in the SfChat control.
public IDisposable LoadMessages() { return databaseClient.Child("ChatSource") .AsObservable<ChatMessage>().Subscribe((data) => { if (data.Object != null && data.EventType == Firebase.Database.Streaming.FirebaseEventType.InsertOrUpd { Author author; if (data.Object.Author.Name == CurrentUser.Name) { author = CurrentUser; } else { author = new Author() { Name = data.Object.Author.Name, Avatar = data.Object.Author.Avatar != null ? data.Object.Author.Avatar : "steven.png" }; } MainThread.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => { var message = new TextMessage() { Author = author, Text = data.Object!.Content!, DateTime = data.Object.Timestamp }; this.Messages.Add(message); }); } }); }
Then, add the following code in the Appearing event of the ContentPage to wire the Subscribe event handler to an observable sequence.
private void OnAppearing(object? sender, EventArgs e) { this.SuscribeInGrupalChat = viewModel.LoadMessages(); }
Configure the SendMessage event of the .NET MAUI Chat control and create an instance of ChatMessage by using SendMessageEventArgs details. Then, invoke the SendMessageAsync method to invoke the PostAsync query of Firebase. Once the message is stored in the database, the Subscribe event handler will be notified, and that new message will be added to the .NET MAUI Chat control manually.
chat.SendMessage += OnSendMessage; private async void OnSendMessage(object? sender, SendMessageEventArgs e) { // Set Handled=True to prevent adding the new message automatically and enable the user to add it manually. e.Handled = true; var newMessage = e.Message?.Text; var dt = DateTime.Now; chat.Editor.Text = string.Empty; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(newMessage) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(viewModel.CurrentUser.Name)) { await viewModel.FireBaseDatabase.SendMessageAsync(new ChatMessage { Author = viewModel.CurrentUser, Content = newMessage, Timestamp = dt, }); } }
With the Firebase Realtime Database and .NET MAUI Chat control, we can easily build a robust chat app with minimal configuration. This setup provides an efficient way to save, retrieve, and display chat messages in real time.
Refer to the following images.
For more details, refer to the saving chat conversations to Firebase Realtime Database using the .NET MAUI Chat control GitHub demo.
Thanks for reading! In this blog, we’ve seen how to create a chat app using the Syncfusion .NET MAUI Chat control and Firebase Realtime Database. We’ve also seen how to save and retrieve chat data to the database. Try the steps discussed in this blog and leave your feedback in the comments below!
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