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Succinctly series

Interview with Blazor Succinctly Author Michael Washington

The following is a short interview with Succinctly series author Michael Washington, whose new book, Blazor Succinctly, was recently published. You can download this book from our ebook portal.

1. What should people know about Blazor? Why is it important?

Blazor allows developers to create modern single-page web applications using C#, without the need to write custom JavaScript. This is a big deal because this is the only technology that I know of that allows this.

2. When did you first become interested in Blazor?

When Steve Sanderson, the creator of Blazor, published an early sample two years ago.

3. By writing this e-book, did you learn anything new yourself?

My goal for writing the book was to see if I could, in only 90 pages, walk a new user through creating a usable application that has master-detail database tables. This is much harder than the simple single-table ‘guestbook’ sample that I would normally do. I was surprised that not only was it possible, I was able to even throw in extra topics like sending emails.

4. How will this subject change over the next few years?

Blazor will work on additional platforms, other than the web, like the desktop (this is planned for .NET 5).

5. Do you see Blazor as part of a larger trend in software development?

Yes, software development will be faster, easier, and more productive. We lost a lot of productivity when JavaScript was “required” for modern web applications. Blazor changes that.

6. What other books or resources on this topic do you recommend?

I have also written a book, An Introduction to Building Applications with Blazor, available on Amazon.

7. How do you stay up-to-date on industry news?

Mostly Twitter and the Morning Dew on

8. Do you have a blog page or a website where people can find you?


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Meet the Author

Jacqueline Bieringer