The Essential JavaScript Gantt control has been designed to visualize and edit a project schedule and track project progress. It helps to organize and schedule projects, and also update project schedules by editing, dragging, and resizing them.
Key Features
· SortingGetting Started
The following steps illustrate how to create the Gantt control for JavaScript.
Gantt Creation
1. Create an HTML file and add the following template to the HTML file.
<title>Getting Started with Gantt Control for JavaScript</title> <!-- Style sheet for default theme(flat azure). --> <link href=" " rel="stylesheet" /> <!--scripts--> <script src=""></script> script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script>
2. Add a Div element within the Body element of the HTML file as follows.
3. Create a data source for the Gantt control.
4. Finally, initialize the Gantt control with the data source created in the previous step.
A Gantt chart is created as shown in the following screen shot.
Concepts and Features
You can turn on Sorting during Gantt initialization by using the following code example.
$("#GanttContainer").ejGantt( { //... allowSorting: true, //... });
The following code example illustrates how to turn on editing in Gantt control.
$("#GanttContainer").ejGantt( { //... edit: { allowEditing: true, allowAdding: true, allowDeleting: true, editMode: "cellEditing" } //... })
You can show or hide the toolbar in Gantt by using the following code example.
$("#GanttContainer").ejGantt( { //... toolBar: { allowToolBar: true, toolBarItems: [ej.Gantt.toolBarItems.Add, ej.Gantt.toolBarItems.Edit, ej.Gantt.toolBarItems.Delete, ej.Gantt.toolBarItems.Update, ej.Gantt.toolBarItems.Cancel, ej.Gantt.toolBarItems.Indent, ej.Gantt.toolBarItems.Outdent, ej.Gantt.toolBarItems.ExpandAll, ej.Gantt.toolBarItems.CollapseAll, ej.Gantt.toolBarItems.Search] }, //... });
Events are important for providing notifications on changes and actions that have taken place in the control. The following code example illustrates event initialization in a Gantt control.
$("#GanttContainer").ejGantt("model.eventName", );
You must bind the event’s “eventName” to the Gantt control as follows.
$("#GanttContainer").ejGantt( { dataSource: data, allowColumnResize: true, taskIdMapping: "TaskID", taskNameMapping: "TaskName", scheduleStartDate: "02/23/2014", scheduleEndDate: "03/30/2014", startDateMapping: "StartDate", progressMapping: "Progress", durationMapping: "Duration", childMapping: "Children", highlightWeekEnds: true, rowSelected: function (args) { // Event handler. } });
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