ASP.NET Web API Succinctly®

Emanuele DelBono

ASP.ASP.NET Web API Succinctly Free eBook
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Microsoft's ASP.NET Web API simplifies data delivery through HTTP, making it a great platform for building RESTful applications. With ASP.NET Web API Succinctly®, you'll learn the ins and outs of the technology so that you can start building services in no time. The book starts with a high-level overview of Web API, examining the hosting layer, message handler pipeline, and controller, and delves further into each layer in succinct detail. By the end of the book, you'll understand how ASP.NET Web API handles requests, how to set up a route table, and how to extend the controller at the center of the API to perform custom actions. Beyond data delivery, you'll gain some insight into keeping your API secure, self-hosting or hosting the API on the web, and how to create unit tests with it. Even if you don't have a thorough knowledge of HTTP, you can start using ASP.NET Web API—simplicity is one of its strengths.

  • About REST

  • Hello Web API

  • The Life of a Request

  • The Routing System

  • The Controller

  • Model Validation

  • Content Negotiation

  • Message Handlers

  • Security

  • OData

  • Hosting

  • Testing

  • Appendix A: HTTP Status Codes



Published on

July 7, 2014




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