SQL Server Analysis Services Succinctly®

Stacia Misner

SQL Server Analysis Services Succinctly Free eBook
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The massive amount of data collected by businesses often creates a lot of work without doing much good. To make data work for them, businesses need solutions that summarize and organize it in ways that will influence the decisions they make each day. With SQL Server Analysis Services Succinctly® by Stacia Misner, you will learn how to implement a business intelligence solution through SQL Server Analysis Services. You’ll start with developing a database, and learn which architecture is most appropriate for the database’s end use. You will then learn how to design practical dimensions and cubes, and how to store business logic within the cubes through MDX. Finally, you will learn how to deploy a working solution to the tool of your choice in Microsoft’s business intelligence stack, including Excel, SQL Server Reporting Services, and SharePoint.

  • Introduction to SQL Server Analysis Services

  • Working with the Data Source View

  • Developing Dimensions

  • Developing Cubes

  • Enhancing Cubes with MDX

  • Managing Analysis Services Databases

  • Using Client Tools



Published on

July 7, 2014




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